Monday, July 27, 2009


That's basically the thought of the day.

Today was Sweep and Mop day. It's when I, obviously, sweep and mop the kitchen and bathroom. I do have a small broom for my small kitchen and bathroom, but when it comes to mopping I just use the Swiffer Sweeper. It's perfect for lazy housekeepers like me! Actually, I'm not all that lazy, but the Swiffer really does fit our lifestyle. We have no kids and no big, messy pets so I don't need any heavy-duty mops and buckets. Plus, the rooms are small enough that one Swiffer wet sheet is enough to clean up the kitchen and bathroom floors. And, the velcro edge is great for scraping off bits of dinner.

However, there are times when a bit of grime is lodged inside the small pits in the linoleum. That's when my Wonder Tool comes in- Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser. It's not that expensive (about $3 for 2) and really does seem to magically erase any dirt my Swiffer can't get at! It also takes care of any pot scratches on the tile counter. I also used it to attack the grout on the floor of our 1950's bathroom tiled floor. Only 5 minutes and PRESTO the grout was white and beautiful!

Really, whenever I get a chance to whip it out, I go looking for more places to use it. The Magic Eraser is fantastic against the dirt and stuff left from your fingers on doors, kitchen cabinets, the 'fridge, and light switches.
Oh, the Magic Eraser puts me in such a good mood!!!

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