Monday, July 20, 2009

In My House

The title for this blogpost just popped into my head, along with the rest of the chorus of the 80s song and an image of the band the Mary Jane Girls. Man, I remember singing along to this song, blissfully ignorant of all the sexual and drug references. Gee, I was so naive back in jr. high.

Anyway, yes, after a week in New England I am finally home! (*Note- New England doesn't refer to every northern state on the East Coast. As far as I can tell, it's just the ones from Massachusetts on northward. Huh, whaddya know, I learned something!) Oh, it feels so good to be in my own kitchen again, washing dishes for two instead of a whole houseful of people. Being the good Stepford Daughter/Sister-in-Law of course I did the dishes without being asked. And, really, I didn't mind so much. After all, it's family and it helped out everyone else. But it's nice to be back washing only two of everything.

It's also nice knowing what there is and isn't in the kitchen, where things go and don't go, and what to cook and not to cook.

It's also nice to have my own computer again! (oh, how I've missed you my little PC with the large screen!) I packed my husband's Eee which was helpful, but not as nice as a full-sized computer.

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